

    The National Reading Initiative: Let more people walk into the space-time container of books

    From April 23rd to 25th, the first National Reading Conference was held in Beijing. Focusing on the theme of "Reading for a New Era and Forging a New Journey", the conference carried out 23 activities in four categories: forums, exhibitions, release activities, and theme activities. The online signing activity of the National Reading Proposal was officially launched

    The online signing activity of the National Reading Proposal was officially launched

    On the afternoon of April 23, in order to set off a wave of national reading in the whole society, the organizer held the first national reading conference to sign the national reading proposal book. It is hoped that through such a ceremony, more people will be called into the space-time container of books and open the A vast spiritual world. Li Jingze, vice-chairman of the Chinese Writers Association and secretary of the secretariat, issued an initiative to national writers to carry out national reading

    Li Jingze, vice-chairman of the Chinese Writers Association and secretary of the secretariat, issued an initiative to national writers to carry out national reading

    Li Jingze, vice chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, believes that writers have a special and important responsibility for the national reading activity, and have the responsibility to lead readers to know and understand those broad and subtle works created for us by our predecessors. The Chinese Writers Association supports and responds to the initiative issued by the National Reading Conference, and will actively encourage and drive the majority of writers and literary workers to participate in the national reading activities.
    Kang Wei, chairman of Beijing Publishing Group, believes that it is an incumbent and important task for publishing units to continuously publish good books. At the same time, we must increase the propaganda of the significance of building a "literary society", so that the whole people fully realize the importance of loving reading, reading well, and being good at reading, and truly regard reading and learning as an attitude to life and a kind of life. Pursuit, a daily habit.
    Cao Wenxuan, a writer and winner of the International Hans Christian Andersen Award, said: "Reading is a way of life. It not only enriches and strengthens our experience, but also nurtures our character and leads us forward." Actor Wu Jing said: "A good book, It carries not only human civilization and the wisdom of the times, but also enriches our hearts and broadens our horizons.”
    Actor Hou Jingjian, who played the young Mao Zedong in the TV series "Glory and Dreams", said: "Reading allows you to master knowledge, and knowledge is like breathing, you can see the temperament and self-cultivation of people between breathing and breathing." Lei Haiwei, who won the championship of the third season of the Chinese Poetry Conference and is now a teacher at a Chinese learning training institution in Suqian, Jiangsu, said: "Reading more is always good for me. I think it was because I used it daily for more than ten years. Fragmented time to read, and only later have the opportunity to participate in the Chinese Poetry Conference and won the championship, so I have a deep understanding of the meaning of reading."
    Li Jiyuan, one of the "Top Ten Reading Figures" of the 30th National Book Fair, said: "Reading can fill oneself, warm others, and reflect the civilized rural style. Parents and children read together and grow together, and the scholarly family will surely become a strong force for rural revitalization." Henan Li Cuili, the founder of "Weiguang Shuyuan" and "National March 8th Red Banner Bearer" in Huang County of the province, said that through more than ten years of perseverance, reading has not only enriched the villagers' heads, but also puffed up the pockets of the villagers, and educated them more. next generation.
    Migrant worker Wu Guichun said: "Reading is a kind of enjoyment, not only leisure, but also to learn some knowledge, understand a lot of truth, and be a useful person to society." Translator Jin Xiaoyu said: "Reading allows me to see more Perhaps, reading allowed me to find the way of translation, and reading allowed me to realize the value of life."
    Attachment: Full text of the National Reading Proposal
    Books are the ladder of human progress. General Secretary Xi Jinping advocated the love of reading, good reading, and good reading, emphasizing that reading can inspire people, establish lofty ideals, and cultivate a sense of grandeur. In the voluminous volumes, the light of wisdom penetrates history, and the value of ideas spans time and space. Those famous masterpieces that are like stars warm our hearts, cultivate our sentiments, and enlighten our wisdom. The Chinese people have always had the tradition of "reading ten thousand volumes of books and traveling ten thousand miles". The Chinese nation has always been a nation that loves learning and diligently reads. strength. In the new era, promoting national reading and building a scholarly society can meet the cultural needs of the people, enhance the people's ideological realm, enhance the people's spiritual strength, and make the spiritual world of the Chinese nation more profound and profound.
    ——Let us take action, persevere in reading every day, absorb cultural nourishment from the book, feel the luster of wisdom, understand the vast world, gather sand into a tower, accumulate a few steps and even a thousand miles, and continuously increase the accumulation of knowledge, temper our moral integrity, and improve our ideological realm;
    ——Let us act, everyone participates in reading, and regard reading as a pursuit, a hobby, and a healthy way of life. Let people of different occupations, ages and genders love reading, comprehend the true meaning of life, appreciate the value of life, and practice the pursuit of life in the ocean of books;
    ——Let us act, all aspects of society promote reading, and the publishing and distribution industry will launch more high-quality products to provide more and better choices for reading; Reading service level, let reading penetrate into every corner of the society, and make the society full of books;
    ——Let us take action to set off a wave of reading for all people, make reading the most beautiful fashion in the whole society, and make reading for all people the most beautiful picture in the new era. On the journey, the majestic power of national prosperity, national rejuvenation and people's happiness will be gathered through reading for all!


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