

    China Space Day丨Tian Zhaoyuan: Why Chinese spacecraft are often named after Chinese myths

    April 24 is China Space Day, and this year's theme is "Space Lighting Dreams".
    "Many spacecraft in China are named after myths." Tian Zhaoyuan, a professor at the Folklore Institute of East China Normal University, mentioned a small "easter egg" in my country's aerospace industry. From the first artificial earth satellite "Dongfanghong-1", to the first moon orbiting satellite "Chang'e-1", to the lunar rover "Yutu", the Mars rover "Zhurong", and the solar exploration science and technology experimental satellite " "Xihe"...China's most advanced spacecraft is closely linked to the oldest myth. As China's aerospace industry has conquered fortresses, the creation myths left by these ancestors have also radiated new light.
    "Myth is the great dream of the Chinese nation, and it is the ancestor's imagination of the origin of our world. Today, technology has become the way for us to realize our dream." Tian Zhaoyuan believes that it is no accident that high-tech spacecraft are named after the gods in myths. "Dream" is in one continuous line.
    On April 24, 1970, China's first artificial earth satellite, Dongfanghong-1, was successfully launched. The China Space Day was set on April 24, which is to commemorate this great first step in the process of my country's aerospace industry.
    "Dongfanghong, the sun rises..." When Dongfanghong-1 was running in orbit, it played the music "Dongfanghong". This is a song commemorating the leader Mao Zedong and also sings praises to the sun.
    "Playing the melody of "The East is Red" in space was a scientific and cultural expression at that time, spreading the Chinese myth of the sun through music," Tian Zhaoyuan said. "Xihe" satellite simulation map. Photo courtesy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation Shanghai Institute of Aerospace Technology

    "Xihe" satellite simulation map. Photo courtesy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation Shanghai Institute of Aerospace Technology

    More closely related to the myth of the sun is the "Xihe". On October 14, 2021, the solar exploration science and technology experimental satellite "Xihe" was successfully launched, and China officially entered the era of space exploration.
    "Xihe" is the sun goddess in traditional Chinese mythology. The record about Xihe can be found in "Shan Hai Jing·Da Huang Nan Jing" as early as: "Beyond the Southeast Sea, between the Ganshui, there is the country of Xihe. There is a woman named Xihe, who bathes in Ganyuan every day. , Di Jun's wife, gave birth to ten suns." Xihe is described here as the mother of the sun, giving birth to ten suns.
    In "Songs of Chu", Xihe's identity changed. Qu Yuan wrote in "Songs of Chu: Tianwen": "Xihe has not yet flourished, and it is like Hua Heguang." Xihe has become a god who drives for the sun. , when he travels on the sun, the flower of the wood will glow, and the light will come to the world. The name of "Xihe" is based on this meaning, "following the example of Xihe and riding the celestial horse, aiming to herd the stars in the sky", which symbolizes the origin and expansion of China's exploration of the sun.
    On October 24, 2007, "Chang'e-1" was launched at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. This is the first satellite orbiting the moon in China's lunar exploration program. It is named after the ancient Chinese mythical figure Chang'e. In December 2013, China's first lunar rover "Yutu" landed on the moon carrying the "Chang'e-3" probe, leaving China's first footprint on the moon. "Yutu" lunar rover. Image from: Chinese Academy of Sciences official Weibo "Voice of the Chinese Academy of Sciences"

    "Yutu" lunar rover. Image from: Chinese Academy of Sciences official Weibo "Voice of the Chinese Academy of Sciences"

    Back in ancient times, the sun and the moon played an important role in people's production and life, and the curiosity about the moon was also engraved in the blood of the ancestors. The "Myth of Chang'e" is undoubtedly the representative of the ancients' imagination of the moon. According to legend, Hou Yi received the elixir of life from the Queen Mother of the West, and his wife Chang'e stole the elixir and flew to the moon to become the moon god. The moon that hangs in the sky coldly at night is a feminine goddess in the eyes of the ancients. "Chang'e" carries the dream of the Chinese nation to explore the moon. Isn't it the same Chang'e who flew to the moon in mythology thousands of years ago?
    "Zhurong" represents a milestone in the Chinese exploration of Mars. On July 23, 2020, the "Zhurong" was launched from China's Wenchang Space Launch Site. On July 24, the Lunar Exploration and Aerospace Engineering Center of the National Space Administration launched a global call for China's first Mars rover. The name "Zhu Rong" stood out from the call for names that lasted for more than half a year. On the opening day of China Space Day on April 24, 2021, China's first Mars rover was officially named "Zhurong", which means "Vulcan Zhurong Landing on Mars". On April 24, at the online launching ceremony of the 2022 "China Space Day", the United Nations Mars-themed stamps were released, including China's Zhurong Mars rover, Zhurong landing platform, and Tianwen-1 pre-selected landing area landforms.

    On April 24, at the online launching ceremony of the 2022 "China Space Day", the United Nations Mars-themed stamps were released, including China's Zhurong Mars rover, Zhurong landing platform, and Tianwen-1 pre-selected landing area landforms.

    "Huoshen Zhurong represents the spirit of the road and the blue thread, and the spirit of creating a wilderness." Tian Zhaoyuan said that during the fight against the new crown epidemic in 2020, the name of the "Huoshenshan" hospital reflects the courage of the Chinese people to fight the epidemic, and the "Zhurong" flying to Mars It also represents our determination to explore the unknown, "The image of fire is vitality, passion, and the basic form of all energy. Fire is inseparable from all aspects of our lives. Today, we commemorate the God of Vulcan and name the rover with 'Zhurong'. Worship and awe of the forces of nature."
    Human's exploration of space is a high degree of combination of dream and reality. Entering space, landing on the moon, and landing on Mars are the three major steps in the Chinese exploration of the universe. The Chinese chose the sun god, the moon god Chang'e, and the fire god Zhu Rong to commemorate these three steps. "It turns out that the myth of the sun, the myth of the moon, and the myth of the god of fire can be said to be the great dreams of the Chinese nation. Now, technology has become the way to realize the dream." Tian Zhaoyuan said.
    "Myth is a great dream, and aerospace is a great practice. Myth supports the expression of our technology." Not only space technology, but also other cutting-edge science and technology fields, myth is also reflected. "For example, Huawei's Hongmeng system, Kunpeng chip, etc., are also named after myths, and only myths can support their image."
    Now that it is China Space Day, the theme of "Space Lighting Dreams" is so in line with the millennium exploration of the Chinese nation. On April 14, the Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft returned to Earth, and three astronauts, Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping, and Ye Guangfu, completed their six-month stay in space. "I think we humans are moving forward step by step toward our dreams. Myths are always full of ideals, shining on us, and leading the development of science and technology with an ideal world." Tian Zhaoyuan said.


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