

    World Book Day|Beijing Publishing Group Commemorates the 20th Anniversary of the Forum: Improving the Reading Ability of the People

    In 2022, "National Reading" will be included in the government work report for the ninth consecutive year. With the arrival of this year's "4.23 World Book and Copyright Day", the "Beijing Publishing Group World Book and Copyright Day Commemorative Forum" is also about to celebrate its 20th anniversary. Over the past 20 years, 20 themes such as "Shared Reading Fun", "Reading: A Tribute to Everyone", "Reading and Museums", "Listening to Books and Reading", "Reading in Red Beijing" and "Reading from 'Art'" have covered classical and contemporary, Tradition and change, academia and industry, etc., in the name of reading, help create a scholarly Beijing.
    On April 23, on the occasion of "World Book and Copyright Day", Beijing Publishing Group and the National Center for the Performing Arts - the National Centre for the Performing Arts, jointly held the "20th Beijing Publishing Group" with the theme of "Reading from 'Art'". World Book and Copyright Day Commemorative Forum". pulpit poster

    pulpit poster

    Art nourishes the heart, literature shapes the soul: improving the "reading ability" of the whole people
    During the event, Zheng Xinmiao, president of the Chinese Poetry Society, appreciated the traditional Chinese culture from the cultural characteristics of poetry. He said: "In the 1960s, when I was a middle school student, I bought a copy of Mr. Wang Li's "Ten Lectures on Poetry and Rhythm" published by Beijing Publishing House. Poetry has a broad foundation in the Chinese context. Reading poetry in different periods will bring new inspiration. This is the vitality of poetry, which will never decline. China is a country of poetry, and China's poetry heritage is quite rich. The history of the development of Chinese poetry can be described as a splendid galaxy, with peaks rising one after another, and famous masters coming forth in large numbers." He pointed out that Chinese poetry is a distinctive feature of Chinese culture and has also become a way of life for the Chinese people. Poetry affects readers in a subtle way, allowing readers to travel in the artistic situation it creates.
    Nie Zhenning, chairman of the Taofen Foundation, said in the "Reading for All" initiative: Building a scholarly society is an important cornerstone of building a culturally strong country. A scholarly society should have scholarly fragrance everywhere, and can see good books anytime, anywhere, and get the help of reading. Even in the information age and fragmented reading age, it is still advocating that reading should be the basis to make oneself grow in an all-round way. He believes that artistic cultivation has three levels of connotation: one is the value concept of art; the second is the way of thinking in art; the third is the method of behavior.
    In the interview, actor Pu Cunxin said from the perspective of the relationship between stage art and literature: "Writers and artists, the ultimate point of their beliefs is beauty, and the function of literature is to give people the beauty of their thoughts, and to give people a way to observe beauty and ugliness. All the dramas we do come after literature, so drama and literature are inseparable. Drama comes from literature, and as drama workers, our first task is to pass on literature. I was fortunate to arrange the "Thunderstorm" last year. The new version, when we go back and look at the 1934 version, is like discovering a new continent, picking up the thick dust and finding new ideas.”
    Starting from her own research field, Wan Fang explained the relationship between drama creation and reading in an interview, she said: "Drama and reading have their own charms, the charm of drama lies in the face-to-face communication between people, when we walk Entering the theater, we will breathe in the same space with the actors on the stage and everything that happens on the stage. Literature is a category in art, and it is often the creation of a person alone. As screenwriters, we need to learn from reading To absorb nourishment. Reading makes people's minds complete, and promotes people's healthy growth and self-realization." She believes that drama creation requires authors to express all their inner feelings, accumulated emotions, and accumulated thinking in words, and then go through a lot of Human effort is put on the stage; the relationship between literature and art is closely linked, and both originate from the description, exploration and presentation of human nature. Writer and playwright Wan Fang

    Writer and playwright Wan Fang

    Li Geng, president of the Heshan Painting Society of the Chinese Artists Association, talked about the relationship between painting and calligraphy and literary works based on his own growth experience. He said: "When I was a child, my father taught me to read in a wonderful way is to look at the painting first, and the feeling when looking at the painting is the first." He believes that human beings learn the world, especially invention and creation In addition to relying on words, we also rely on graphics, so reading pictures and reading words are equally important. In the course of his growth, books such as "World Art History", "Chinese Art History", "Sculpture History" and "Jizhiyuan Painting Biography" have brought a very important influence to his life and also produced many aspects of his future creation. association.
    Wu Hongliang, president of the Beijing Academy of Painting, talked about his inspiration from reading from the perspective of studying the art of painting and calligraphy, mainly taking the experience of reading "The Biography of the Mustard Seed Garden" and researching Qi Baishi as examples. He said: "It was "The Biography of the Mustard Seed Garden" that led Qi Baishi into the gate of art. Qi Baishi combined his ideas with the study of the mustard seed garden to create his own art."
    Beijing Publishing Group World Book and Copyright Day Commemorative Forum 20th Anniversary
    In 2003, Beijing Publishing Group launched "Shared Reading Fun - The First Forum of Beijing Publishing Group's World Book Day". Since then, it has been a reading theme every year. In the past 20 years, Cao Wenxuan, Zhang Jie, Liu Qingbang, Xu Guixiang, Li Jingze, Mo Yan, Bai Huawen, Ye Guangqin, Zhao Rengui, Xiao Fuxing, Xichuan, Nie Zhenning, Li Zhongjie, Zheng Xinmiao, Wan Fang, Pu Cunxin, etc., more than 150 writers, scholars, artists and industry experts. Media guests, reading promoters and reader representatives successively attended the "Beijing Publishing Group World Book and Copyright Day Commemorative Forum". In the past 20 years, more than ten enterprises and institutions including the Confucius Temple, Guozijian Museum, National Library, National Grand Theater, Capital Museum, Beijing Municipal Planning Exhibition Hall, Beijing Normal University, Beijing No. 5 Middle School, and Huajiadi Experimental Primary School have also participated. in action.
    Kang Wei shared: 20 years is a memorable node, "Looking back on the 20-year history of our founding, we always have the cultural awareness and responsibility of publishers in our hearts, and have walked into many libraries, museums, primary and secondary schools and universities. Classroom, with reading: 'Salute to everyone', 'Reading and popular science', 'Reading City: Reading Beijing', 'Listening to books and reading' and other themes, brought the joy of reading to readers of all ages."
    On World Reading Day, Beijing Publishing Group reviewed the themes of the forums held in the past two decades. The first session was "Shared Reading Fun" in 2003, "Heavy Reading: Make Life Thicker" in 2009, and "Heavy Reading: Make Life Thicker" in 2014. Mindful Reading", "Reading: Salute to Everyone" in 2015, and "Reading and Growing" in 2019, the organizers and guests of each forum insist on calling from different angles: as authors and publishers, we must inherit the classics At the same time, it constantly creates new classics, contributes to the promotion of reading for the whole people, and advocates the whole society to cultivate excellent characters and absorb spiritual strength through reading good books. Literary historian Zhao Rengui said: "Now is a good time for reading. 'Reading for all' will clean up the smog in the society and make the world full of books." In 2003, the first commemorative forum was held in the form of an online forum.

    In 2003, the first commemorative forum was held in the form of an online forum.

    In 2012, the 10th forum "Reading and Museum" led readers into the museum and jointly explored the museum, a textbook of history and humanities that can be read, appreciated and touched. Bai Huawen, a scholar and a Dunhuang scholar, said at the forum: "Reading is to turn the accumulation of predecessors into one's own knowledge, but the historical changes of a thing also require the verification of knowledge acquired from natural resources. Only by having both, can the Gradually discover the true meaning of things.” In 2012, the 10th commemorative forum "Reading and Museum" was held at the Confucius Temple and Guozijian Museum.

    In 2012, the 10th commemorative forum "Reading and Museum" was held at the Confucius Temple and Guozijian Museum.

    In addition, the "Beijing Publishing Group World Book and Copyright Day Commemorative Forum" is based in Beijing, so the capital's history, culture and urban spirit have also become timeless topics on the forum.
    At the 3rd Forum "Reading Beijing, Reading Life" in 2005, scholars believed: "Beijing's charm lies in the streets and alleys, in men, women and children, and in the culture and spirit accumulated and inherited over the years, the excavation of these treasures , Recording is precisely one of the most important missions of cultural heritage. We are willing to publish and read to fulfill this cultural mission." 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, at the 6th Forum "Reading New Beijing, Participating in New Olympics" ”, writers and scholars shared the Olympic stories and city memories contained in the pages. In 2008, at the 6th Forum "Reading the New Beijing, Participating in the New Olympics", guest readers used books as a medium to cheer for the Beijing Olympics.

    In 2008, at the 6th Forum "Reading the New Beijing, Participating in the New Olympics", guest readers used books as a medium to cheer for the Beijing Olympics.

    In 2017, the 15th forum "Reading the City: Reading Beijing" once again focused on the ancient capital Beijing. Writer Xiao Fuxing talked about Beijing's urban development and old city protection, cultural scholar Zhao Heng talked about Beijing's history of building the city and social life, and young writer Shi Yifeng shared the influence of Beijing on his creation. Reading Beijing, you can appreciate the urban pattern, aesthetic connotation, and folk customs of Beijing in different historical periods, so as to better grasp and inherit its cultural characteristics and write its spiritual connotation. In 2017, at the 15th Memorial Forum "Reading the City: Reading Beijing", writer Xiao Fuxing gave a keynote speech.

    In 2017, at the 15th Memorial Forum "Reading the City: Reading Beijing", writer Xiao Fuxing gave a keynote speech.

    A good book meets its readers
    At the previous "Beijing Publishing Group World Book and Copyright Day Commemorative Forum", a series of good books and masterpieces met more readers through promotion.
    In 2006, the 4th Forum "Reality and Fiction" entered the literary world where hundreds of flowers bloomed; in 2007, "Reading Lights Up Childhood" shared the creation and publication of children's books, and the popularization and development of children's reading; in 2011, "Reading and Walking" started from Starting from emerging topics such as nature, ecology, travel, etc., to discuss publishing, reading and life paths; 2016 "Reading and Popular Science" focuses on "scientific and technological innovation" and "cultural innovation", and discusses how to better combine popular science creation and national reading; 2022 The theme of the 20th forum is "Reading from 'Art'", and through network links, it promotes the breaking of the circle, the cross circle and the integration of the circle of publishing and art. In 2022, Pu Cunxin gave a keynote speech at the 20th commemorative forum "Reading from 'Art'".

    In 2022, Pu Cunxin gave a keynote speech at the 20th commemorative forum "Reading from 'Art'".

    If the commemorative pulpit has extensive attention to different publishing categories and cultural issues, it reflects the breadth of publishing and reading.
    The "paper reading and digital reading" in 2010, the "reading in the micro-era" in 2013, and the "listening and reading" in 2018 echoed the rapid development of the times in a deep dimension, digital publishing was booming, social media It has a profound impact on reading and creation, the popularization of mobile Internet and smart terminals, and the "Chinese Reading Story" that promotes the cross-border integration of cultural industries. But "no matter how the form of reading changes and how diverse the forms are, the intrinsic value of reading has not been subverted, and reading-related industries and groups have an inescapable obligation to promote national reading." Li Jingze, a literary critic, said at the forum.
    When the new crown epidemic hit in 2020, Beijing Publishing Group launched "Reading Warms the Heart - Beijing Publishing Group's 18th World Book and Copyright Day Commemorative Forum", and carried out reading sharing, public welfare live broadcast, book donation, and free online opening around the commemorative forum. Resources and other series of themed activities.


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